Top 5 Christmas Gifts for Sourdough Bakers | DeliverDeli

Top 5 Christmas Gifts for Sourdough Bakers

Looking for the perfect gift for a loved one who’s a sourdough aficionado? We’ve put together the definitive list of top gifts for you to choose from – something for every budget, and every level of baker:

Here are our top Christmas Gift picks for sourdough bakers: 

Challenger Bread Pan with bread

1. The Challenger Bread Pan

In our humble opinion, this bread pan is a staple piece of equipment. Once bakers discover the incredible results after using the Challenger Bread pan they wonder how they managed without it. The pan traps steam which surrounds the bread as it bakes. This gives sourdough loaves extra crunch.

Buy for: Serious bakers

Purchase The Challenger Bread Pan


2. Opinel Bread KnifeThe Opinel No.116 Bread Knife

Every baker needs a reliable, high quality, durable bread knife. Our top pick is the Opinel No.116 bread knife.

This curved, serrated bread knife is adored by bakers globally. The sharp blade ensures every slice of sourdough maintains it’s lovely airy texture.

Buy for: Bakers of all levels

Purchase The Opinel No.116 bread knife.

3. A Grain Mill Mockmill Lino 200 Grain Mill

Grain mills are a perfect gift for those looking to level up their sourdough baking. There are lots of different types of grain mill to choose from but our top pick would be the Mockmill Lino 200. This easy to use mill outpurs 200 grams of flour per minute from grain. Not only will the taste of freshly milled flour will set the top bakes apart from the rest, but the Lino 200 looks fantastic on the worktop due to the exceptional design of the mill.

Buy for: Serious bakers

Purchase The Mockmill Lino 200


Baking Steel Graphic4. Baking/Pizza Steel

The DeliverDeli Baking Steel is the perfect gift for bakers of Sourdough baguettes or sourdough pizza makers. The steel heats up rapidly and transfers that heat directly from below the bread or pizza base. The baking steels removes the need for a pizza oven making this a much more economical way of re-creating authentic Italian pizza.

Buy for: Bakers of all levels

Purchase The Baking Steel


5. The Essentials Large Steel Bread Tin with Lid

Bakers can never have enough of the kitchen essentials – Bannetons, industrial style bread tins, bakers lames, dough scrapers all make perfect stocking fillers.

Buy for: Bakers of all levels

Sourdough Hydration Calculator Buy a Sourdough Starter Sourdough Recipes

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